Customizing the articles component on the homepage

Ivelina Pencheva
Last Updated: 10 months ago

You can place an Articles component to display certain articles from your help center on the homepage - FAQs, Trending/Popular, Latest, Recently Updated.

To customize this section, go to Settings -> Customize:

In the Template editor that opens, enter the Homepage section:

click on the Articles component if you already have it in place, or click on the Add New button, choose Articles Listing from the select menu and apply it with Add. You can then rearrange it and choose where on your help center homepage to display it.

Clicking on the Articles component will open the settings for that element below. There, you can configure the sections displayed in the Articles listing. You have an option between four types of sections - FAQs, Trending/Popular, Latest, Recently Updated.

Since the articles listing component supports only 2 columns, two is the maximum number of sections you can select. Once you reach the maximum, you will see a warning message like this one:

and the control to add more sections will disappear.

Change the titles of the sections

You can adjust the titles of each section or provide translation in the various language, your help center supports. To do this, click on the small Edit icon right next to the name of the section. When an inline input appears, type your new section title or translate it and then press Enter to confirm the change.

If you do not to press Enter at the end, the changes to the title will not get applied.

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