Publishing an article

Ivelina Pencheva
Last Updated: 1 year ago

Publishing articles in your knowledge base is a straightforward process. Initially, all articles are stored as drafts, which are only accessible through the dashboard. This allows you to refine your content until you are ready to share it with your audience. Here’s how you can publish an article:

1. Draft Articles: When you first create an article, it is saved as a draft. Drafts are not publicly accessible and can only be viewed and edited through your help center dashboard. This gives you the opportunity to work on your content until it’s polished and ready for publication.

2. Publishing the Article: Once your article is finalized and you’re ready to make it live, navigate to the article editor page on your help center dashboard. You will find a “Publish” button in the top bar of this page.

3. Making the Article Live: Click on the “Publish” button. Your article is now live and visible to your audience, given they have the permissions to read it.
Publish button

You can also publish articles directly from the articles listing page of your help center dashboard by clicking on the publish button each draft item has at the rightmost:

Remember, once an article is published, anyone with the right permissions will be able to find and read it. This makes it crucial to ensure your article is accurate, well-structured, and easy-to-understand before hitting the “Publish” button. With, you have complete control over your content publication, ensuring your knowledge base remains a reliable and valuable resource for your audience.

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